The Journey to Mount Sinai
The team at Thinking Man Films will be debut their fifth film in the Patterns of Evidence series on October 17th and 18th, 2022, in a two-day “Fathom Event” in many theaters across the USA. The trailer and more may be viewed at https://patternsofevidence.com. While no one on the Defending Inerrancy team has pre-viewed this film yet, we are quick to recommend it based on the fact that all of the other films in this series have been thought-provoking, scholarly, reasonable, and faith-enriching for all audiences. While these films do explore and consider multiple viewpoints, they tend to support the biblical maximalist and biblical inerrantist positions while challenging the biblical minimalist and biblical mythicist positions.
The Red Sea Miracle I & II
The team at Thinking Man Films will be debut their third film in the Patterns of Evidence series, The Red Sea Miracle, on Feb. 18th, 2020. This is a one-day “Fathom Event” in many theaters across the USA. We hope you’ll consider watching the trailer (https://patternsofevidence.com), buying tickets for yourself, and maybe even taking some friends to the theater to see it. This film will be sure to foster conversations about faith and doubt!
Their first two films (in 2015 and 2019) did a fantastic job of introducing us to some of the most daunting challenges to the historical reliability of the account of the miracles surrounding the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt to Canaan, of tackling the challenges, of framing the problems, and searching for and presenting evidence (not just isolated pieces of evidence but distinct patterns in the pieces of evidence). They accomplished it in a way that was entertaining, visually appealing, logically appealing, sometimes controversial, and ultimately rather faith-inspiring. While many questions still need to be sorted out, one walks away from these films with an optimism about the existence of good answers to the problem archaeologists and historians are wrestling with being possible.
While we are not trying to endorse any specific viewpoint offered in the PoE films, we do recommend the PoE films for their many important contributions to the ongoing debates. These films should encourage more discussion and comparison of notes. While we urge some caution against the temptation to get too excited about any particular theory offered in the films, regardless of how attractive it might appear, we really appreciate how these questions are being explored seriously. All those “incredible” events reported in the first six books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, and Joshua) which happened approximately 3,400 (+/- 200) years ago set the tone for the rest of the Bible. And they form one of the most important battle fronts for the defense of the historical reliability and inerrancy of the Bible.
Hear what Dr. Norman Geisler, the founder and former general editor of Defending Inerrancy, had to say about the first PoE film here:
Hear what Dr. Joseph Holden, the current general editor of Defending Inerrancy, had to say about the first PoE film here: